Individual Membership
Industry Partner Membership
Students & Faculty
Did You Know?
The Design-Build Institute of America is the only organization that defines, teaches and promotes best practices in design-build project delivery? More than 20,000 owners, architect, engineers, contractors, specialty contractors and design consultants benefit from DBIA services and resources, which include legislative and advocacy efforts, certification and educational programs, a comprehensive Design-Build Manual of Practice, the Design Management Guide, contract documents and other tools for owners and practitioners.
DBIA Certification
Certification provides the only measureable standard by which to judge one’s knowledge of Design-Build Done Right™.
The Designated Design-Build Professional™ certification program has grown exponentially over the past ten years, and now public agency solicitations are beginning to expressly encourage the inclusion of team members with DBIA™ Certification.
Are you ready to get started?
Not quite sure yet?
Why not contact our Membership Chair, Steve Langdon?
Why Become A Member?
DBIA members enjoy preferential access to DBIA’s resources, as well as discounts on all DBIA products and services. They also have access to all DBIA’s members-only resources, such as epipeline, project leads, the weekly Design-Build Insight e-newsletter and more.
Have you seen Design-Build Insight? DBIA’s weekly e-newsletter is sent to DBIA members every Thursday. You can read archived issues here. And if you’re interested in advertising in Insight, the media kit is here.
DBIA Members span the entire spectrum of design and construction professionals including architects, engineers, specialty contractors, owners, consultants, lawyers, business development professionals, students and teachers.
Your membership in DBIA is a clear indication that you are a leader in effective design-build project delivery and are committed to exemplifying “design-build done right.”
You are among thousands of industry professionals who rely on DBIA to stay current and relevant in a rapidly evolving industry.
DBIA encourages you to take full advantage of all of the DBIA membership benefits available to you!
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